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Western Australian Ice Skating Association

Membership Terms and Conditions

  • I/We have read the WAISA Inc. Constitution,Policies and By-Laws on the WAISA Inc. website and agree to abide by them and the decisions of the WAISA Council.
  • I/We give permissionfor myself(over18years)/my child(under 18years) to be photographed/videoed by WAISA events for usein Newsletters,website,training of officials or any other WAISA authorised event.
  • The contact details of WAISA Inc members shall remain strictly confidential. They will not be released to any third party.
  • I/We agree to observe and comply with ISA's Anti-Doping Policy. A copy of ISA's Anti-Doping Policy is available at
  • Disclaimer- If a member no longer wishes to take advantage of thier WAISA membership, incurs injury or any other cause, there will be no refunds issued